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where did all that time go?

This was two weeks ago during Felix’s half term. It was doubly good to have the piece worked to a point where i didn’t need heavy duty tools and could get it to my studio at home where i do most of my finishing. The light at my home studio is fantastic and there is also the advantage of being able to see a sculpture from a bit of a distance whenever i am the kitchen.

I’ve been working out how to keep the structure looking active and strong without getting fiddly. I think the back of this hand lends itself to being very blocky.

IT crisis. Big panic as my trusty mac desktop starts to have hissy fits that seem to be more than computer temperament showing signs of impending doom.

Enlist Felix to help me do a comprehensive back up and then take the computer to the doctor to get checked out. Then a very deep breath and go for getting it rebooted back to to factory settings, ditch panther for snow leopard and add some ram.

Scary couple of days there but it all seems to work and my computer seems quite pleased about everything. phew!

Very satisfactory weekend with a sale (Gathering Clouds) at the 20/21 exhibition at the Royal College of Art.

Spent most of what i made immediately, by buying two small judith bridgend paintings which i love more and more each time i look at them.

Actually miss having “Gathering Clouds” here at home quite a lot.

What a relief! No new disasters, relatively few interruptions, just many happy happy hours working away.

From now the decisions are going to be more about how to treat the surface of the sculpture in order to get the best out of the stone.

Went to see the Henry Moore retrospective at the Tate Britain a few days ago. Truly amazing!

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